C.S.I.R.O Ski Club
C.S.I.R.O. Ski Club is a member run organisation that provides year-round access to the NSW High Country, for our members and their guests, through our Club’s facilities on the mountain in Perisher Valley and on the lake in East Jindabyne. While the winter ski season is clearly a very popular time, there are many hidden treasures of the High Country that can be explored at other times in the year when a visit to the area can be a rewarding experience.
Our Club was founded in the early 1950’s by a group of intrepid C.S.I.R.O. workers and their families to provide members with facilities including accommodation, in good skiing and recreational locations at reasonable cost. The connection to C.S.I.R.O is a valued part of our Club’s history but is now historical, and in name only, with no connection to the Commonwealth science organisation remaining.
Over the years the club has grown dramatically and now has two ski lodges. One in Perisher Valley built in 1985, the other in East Jindabyne acquired in 1989. Accommodation and facilities are provided for the use of residents, but no staff of any kind is employed.
The club provides accommodation for members and their guests both during the Winter Skiing Season and at other times in the year when a visit to the High Country can be a rewarding experience.
Our Club members are proud to operate the following two unstaffed, self-catered lodges with shared cooking facilities:
Perisher Valley
A magical, modern 20-bed, 10-room, 10-bathroom, 2-kitchen lodge with its own over snow transportation and sweeping views from Piper’s Gap to Mount Perisher.

East Jindabyne
A newly refurbished 14- bed, 7-room, 3-bathroom, 2-kitchen lodge on a 3,500m2 Lake Jindabyne waterfront estate with panoramic views across the lake to the snow-covered mountains.

More recently our East Jindabyne lodge has become a popular destination in both summer and winter seasons, with direct access to Lake Jindabyne and a short drive to ski resorts.
Feel free to explore the pages here and find out more about your club.
Please email any suggestions to info@csiroskiclub.com.au
The Club is a company limited by guarantee. As such no member may take a profit from the company. Membership is currently closed.
Please note that C.S.I.R.O. Ski Club operates independently of the Commonwealth Scientific
and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). We are not endorsed by, affiliated or otherwise
associated with CSIRO.
Postal Address: C.S.I.R.O Ski Club Ltd, P.0. Box 204, North Ryde, NSW, 2113
The Victorian CSIR Ski Club has a different membership set up and this information and the
fees are available from their website http://www.csirski.asn.au The CSIRO Ski Club Ltd has
a reciprocal booking priority arrangement with CSIR Ski Club if you were to join the CSIR, but
you would still be required to pay the guest rates.